Sex During Pregnancy Part 2

AKA WTF do I do to make it epic

Alright, incase you missed it in the last post click HERE to see all the reasons WHY sex may change during pregnancy.

Keep reading to find ways to make it the best it possibly can be.

  • First and foremost, sex and orgasm is safe as long as you have not been put on pelvic rest by your OBGYN. There are various medical conditions that could put you or your baby at risk by engaging in intercourse or orgasm. While in the grand scheme of things, they are not the norm for most women, if you are ever unsure if you fall in this category of needing pelvic rest for health or safety of you or your baby, you need to clear it with your OBGYN prior to engaging in sex.

Ok, to the good stuff.

What kind of sex can I participate in during pregnancy?

  • The short answer? All of it, boo.

    • Mutual masturbation

    • Self-masturbation

    • Penis in vagina

    • Anal

    • Oral

What positions are best?

  • This answer is heavily preference based and may vary by trimester.

First Trimester

  • Everything is fair game. Generally, your usual favorites continue to be as much.

  • The uterus is still down in your pelvis, so per your comfort, you can still lay on your stomach, unless its uncomfortable

    • If this is your second and beyond pregnancy, that discomfort with laying on your tummy will likely happen earlier with each subequent pregnancy.

Second Trimester

  • Positions on your back are likely still comfortable. If the angle is getting a little weird or your partner cant get as close to your torsos as you would like or they arent hitting your clit just right, pillows.

    • Prop a pillow under your hips, one pillow, two pillows, you do you, boo.

  • Hands and knees (other wise knows as quadruped to us PT nerds)

    • This is a solid option. Baby may be coming up out out of the pelvis, your bump is out and proud, but the tiny human is hurting you back yet while in this positions (hopefully)

    • It allows your partner to control your hips from behind and take some of the stability work off you.

      • Protip: Use those pillows or a bench for your arms to rest on and help you leverage support

      • Pro-pro Tip: buy a wedge. (link pending)

Third Trimester

  • Do we feel like a house or do we feel good? That is the question.

    • We are living in either optimal laziness or you in full control and boo, I support your choices.

    • I like to call this one modified starfish. (Starfish is when you lay flat on your back are participate simply by existing during sex. lol)

      • In reality its from behind on your side. If your not feeling great, but want that intimacy with your partner, its a great compromise.

        • Again, pillows under your hip you are laying on to help with leveling hip heights can be helpful

        • Also, your partner supporting your top leg and you resting part of your leg back on them helps reduce hip/butt cramps

    • You on top

      • You control, depth, speed, bump does not get squished and lets be real, all your partners favorite things are in plain view.

        • AKA, your face and beautiful smile. (hah!)

  • Per research, sex drastically declines during the third trimester 91% of couples have stopped having sex by 31 weeks. Life happens. But, if this is important to you, hopefully these tips help you achieve your pregnancy sex dreams!


Sex During Pregnancy Part 1