Sex During Pregnancy Part 1

First blog on the good stuff.


Arguably one of my favorite topics. This one is specifically discussing sex during preganacy.

Everyone (who wants to) should be able to have good sex. During pregnancy we have some challenges and changes that can effect how to achieve sex in general, let alone good sex. Keep reading and lets see what you can do to optimize all the things so you get yours. ;)

I’ve broken this down into some general categories that effect sex and libido while pregnant.


  • Knowing you are growing a human can be a source of anxiety for you and your partner. This can make getting in the mood extra hard.

  • Arousal starts from conversation and your partner taking the trash out the first time you asked. Adding a layer of, even sub-conscious stress, makes the entire event of sex harder.

  • Fear: Fear of hurting the baby, setting off early labor…. all sorts of rational and irrational fears suddenly can creep into existence because now you have this tiny little human to worry about.

    • Sidenote: in no world is your partner’s penis going to bruise/touch/harm the baby. While, I appreciate his imagination and self-confidence, boo, boo…


  • In women, libido decreases during the first trimester. There are a couple big reasons (physically) for that:

    • One: You feel like trash (maybe), you may have nausea, fatigue, constipation, feel bloated and therefore super cute (sarcasm). One of those things alone make wanting sex challenging, let alone all together; that can make you feel super cute.

    • Two: Breast tenderness. This can swing both ways. Some people thrive on the increased sensitivity of the breast and/or the nipple. Other women would like to punch their partner for looking at their breasts the wrong way. lol. The sensitivity is normal.

      • Did you know? 2 lbs of pregnancy weight is specifically from breasts increasing size

    • Second trimester is often when women say they have the best/ most frequent sex. why?

      • Constipation (usually) decreases

      • Energy increases

      • Nausea decreases (usually)

      • You actually start to look pregnant and feel cute. Confidence increases and body image improves

        • The second trimester breast tenderness has leveled out, increased blood volume is still increasing but this causes more fluid in the pelvis…..

          • In English, this means more compact spaces inside the pelvis and more blood to the clitoris. Sex can straight up feel better and more sensitive.

    • Third Trimester

      • TBH, the research shows sexual frequency TANKS. Are we surprised? Absolutely Not.

        • Why? Do I have to explain?

          • You feel like a boat

          • Moving is hard

          • The fullness sexy pressure in your pelvis from the second trimester has now become a constant sensation reminding you that you want this baby to GTFO.

          • Swing back up to the psychological list and compound that with the impending arrival and all the new baby shit sitting in your house making this new life adventure ever more present and real…. yeah I bet this all totally makes you want sex. ha-ha!

  • Pelvic pain

    • Go look at my other post about common postpartum pain, I mention some of the pregnancy pain you may experience.

      • ELI5 Review: pain with sex, back pain, Sacroiliac joint pain, pubic symphysis pain.

What can you do about it?

  • This is what you came for, isnt it? Go to the next blog and see the break down.

  • I gotchu and all the practical advice.


Sex During Pregnancy Part 2


Common Post-Partum Pain Part 2 of 4