Love Letter to Patients.

There is a reason more and more specialists are becoming out of network providers. It is the best framework to provide elite healthcare services that are centered around YOU; the patient. 

Illume Pelvic Health is an out of network physical therapy provider. This enables me, the physical therapist, to treat the WHOLE YOU. Not the pieces that insurance will cover. It is not uncommon that patients that receive treatment from my clinic have had therapy elsewhere and were unsuccessful, it didn't help them or the change didn't last. 

Rooted in the core beliefs of my clinic is this: If I am not the person to help you heal, it is my job to help you find the right provider you need to see and know what to ask for when you get there. 

Our treatment doesn't end when I am out of ideas or we hit roadblocks on our path to symptom resolution. Our treatment ends when you feel confident you are able to independently manage your symptoms or you have a team of healthcare providers and healers to help you function optimally. Whole being wellness is a journey and when you work with me, part of my role is to help you achieve that.

I am the only board certified women’s health (really, it should be pelvic health, because treating men is a favorite thing of mine!) clinical specialist in the Temecula Valley. I was the first pelvic health PT in the valley with any advanced training or certification in the specialty area. My expertise, experience and knowledge has only grown since I established treating patients here 10 years ago. I have an incredible passion for treating pelvic health conditions, pregnancy and postpartum and sexual dysfunction. 

Throughout my career I have become the “Hail Mary” of many local healthcare providers. When your physician/NP/PA has run out of tools to address your symptoms, I am their next option. (And usually, should have been sent to me months or years prior). Complex symptoms, “weird” symptoms your provider can't explain, or when nothing comes up on imaging/testing but your symptoms persist; that's where I thrive.

Schedule an evaluation to meet me. Most patients don't know the kind of care they have been missing until they experience what healthcare should be. 

I look forward to working with you.

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to help you thrive.