
“I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis four years ago. It had been coming on for a few years prior to be diagnosed, and once I changed jobs into a more stressful environment, it reared its ugly head and I found myself in a urologist office. To my surprise there was no magic cure all to fix my debilitating symptoms of extreme pain, fatigue from being in so much pain, urinary pain and frequency. I was told by my urologist to take aloe vera and to follow up with a pelvic floor physical therapist. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy what? I'd never heard of such a thing. That sent me on a journey where I met Dr. Pabin. If memory serves, I'm pretty sure I was in tears when I met her, exhausted from being in pain all the time. Then we worked together for a while. I started seeing her three times a week, and I started to get better. By better I mean I could go to work. Little by little I started to get back in to living my life. To say Dr. Pabin helped my pain is a total understatement. She found my atrophy problem and validated my concern that my male gynecologist had dismissed. She listened when I told her I was exhausted all the time and had no energy which led me to getting the right treatment on my hormones. She was the one who helped me after both my shoulder surgeries when my assigned physical therapist wasn't getting me better. Dr. Pabin is a miracle worker! Today four years later, she's the only one who can keep my IC symptoms at bay. Treatment for IC from my urologist has given me horrific side effects, where as pelvic floor pt gives me the ability to simply wear jeans (if you have IC you know what I mean). The greatest thing about Dr. Pabin and the wonderful work she does is that she's not just limited in her field to pelvic floor therapy, she can do miracles on your whole body! I was experiencing pain in my sciatic nerve and pain in both my hips. After she worked on those areas for maybe 15 minutes, I was able to walk better than I had probably since before I had my children. She is definitely worth her weight in gold! After getting exceptional treatment from Dr. Pabin I realize I can never see any other physical therapist, because simply put, there is no one who offers the level of compationate, quality care that she does. If you're tired of suffering with aches and pains, urinary urgency and frequency, IC symptoms, or if you've had children, you owe it to yourself and to your body to let Dr. Pabin treat you and start feeling relief! She's saving lives, one Pelvic Floor at a time.”

— LF

“Let’s be real, this is going to be a little long, so let’s just get to the important part.. Dr. Pabin is nothing short of AMAZING!!!!
Seriously.. AMAZING is an understatement!!!
Ok let me explain a little haha.
I suffer from frequent uti’s, having troubles peeing while on my period and frequent urination. I didn’t even know it wasn’t normal until a day at the gym with my friends and I had to keep stopping to go pee because I could only go a little at a time, since I couldn’t take out my tampon… They asked me what was wrong, so I told them.. They both were like what?!?! (Real reaction was “did you put it in the wrong hole?!?”. Then said you need to see a dr..) So…off to the dr I went! Long story short..er , a couple uti’s later they sent to my urology who told me I needed urology physical therapy.. umm excuse me, what is that?!?? So of course I was going to ignore that because that just sounds weird.. but then a day or two later my phone rang and I answered.. It was Dr. Pabin’s office to schedule my appointment… Well, I can’t dodge that now can I?!? So I went.. upon my evaluation Dr. Pabin asked me some routine questions. (Mind you I have some other health stuff going on too that no one seems to really care about despite me questioning it multiple times and it getting worse..) Desiree asked me what would be a normal simple question to most.. “what’s your water intake like?”. This one question forever changed my life. Due to my response she told me I need to go see a cardiologist. At first I was taken back, wait what?!?? I’m thinking to myself, I came here because I can’t pee, and you’re telling me something might be wrong with my heart?!? But I listened and scheduled one.. long story short (sorta), I now have diagnosis and working with drs who truly understand what is happening, and trying to help me. The more I learn, the more my whole life makes sense now! Had I never met Dr. Pabin, I’d still be lost questioning so many things, heck who knows if I’d still even be alive.. She has been amazing through the whole processes, helping guide me where to go for the best care when the care I was getting was crap. With one “simple” question, she helped me more than my OB & PA did over the last 8-10 years!!!! So when she says if she’s not the right provider for you, she will find who is, she’s not lieing!!! I truly don’t know where I would be without her. While I’m one of her “squirly” patients, and nothing is an easy quick fix, she never stops trying new things, learning more strategies to see what works and what doesn’t for me. She has been a god send! While I still have a ways to go as it’s been years of things piling on top of each other, I can honestly say I have made progress with her!

I HIGHLY recommend her.. She’s definitely the dr you want in your court. With her, you’re definitely going somewhere! So if you have any kind of issues (she does far more than just urine problems), don’t walk, run and call her now!!! You’ll be glad you did!”


Dr.  Desiree Pabin is one of a kind.

Prior to finding her, I went to two other “pelvic” physical therapists.  Neither had the specialized CAPP PT  license.  Neither was any good.  One actually hurt me.  

I then found Dr.  Desiree and she is fabulous.  She listened to me, thought about what would help me and implemented a plan.  When we needed to alter this plan, she was able to think out of the box and figure out the best option for me.  In my opinion, her knowledge, kindness, and ability to explain what needed to be done made the difference with my healing.  With her help, I healed

Her passion for pelvic health and her ability to achieve very positive results make her exceptional. 


I separated my pelvis during the birth of my second son. I was assigned to a Pelvic Floor PT in Riverside but was never able to get in to see her. After waiting for 6 weeks, I was lucky enough to find Desiree Pabin. I was nervous going to her but was desperate to get back to normal. When I met with her the first time, I knew she would be worth my 45-60 mins drive. There ended up being so much more wrong with me than I initially thought but thanks to Pabin I was able to take care of my kids pain free. I also had an issue with going to the bathroom. I would sit for 20-30 mins trying to pee and when I was finally able to go my stream was weak and I was not able to fully empty my bladder. Pabin, I was able to get me back to having a normal life that wasn’t dictated by going to the bathroom. It honestly felt like a miracle. She is one of the best providers I have ever seen and I have every intention of going back to her if any problems arise.


I had been dealing with debilitating tailbone/pelvic floor pain for over 4 years before I met DR. PABIN.  I had seen many different doctors and physical therapists and had tried all kinds of different treatments during this time to find relief and nothing provided substantial/sustained relief until I began a treatment plan with DR. PABIN. DR. PABIN’s treatment has been life changing. I am so impressed with the level of care and concern and effort on DR. PABIN’s part to figure out the root cause of my pain. She has gone above and beyond and I can’t thank her enough for giving me my quality of life back. I am now at a place where I can function more effectively at work and more importantly be present and available to help/play while at home with my wife and my young children. Dr. PABIN has also provided me with the tools I have needed to work through and manage my pain when my work/life schedule prevents me from being able to see her for treatments.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU PABIN!!!!!


In 2023, I was diagnosed with a chronic, rare, debilitating illness after 30+years of symptoms.  Out of the numerous doctors I have seen, Dr. Pabin has been the most instrumental in my recovery.  Dr. Pabin  is more knowledgeable, determined, compassionate, and  patient-centered than most providers I have worked with over decades. She has helped me improve exponentially in less than a year. She met me on my level of ability and modified exercises so I could be successful. She listened to my concerns and helped link me to resources and supported me when I felt like giving up. Thanks to Dr. Pabin, I have hope again. Hope that I can live my best life despite my diagnosis. Thank you Dr. Pabin. You helped me change my life. You were a beacon of hope when I was truly ready to give up.