Our Services

Physical Therapy

Illume Pelvic Health is a concierge/ mobile physical therapy practice. This means I treat you in the comfort of your home. You don’t need to prepare anything. I bring all the equipment and supplies needed for our sessions. Patients often comment on the convenience of not having to rush around town or worry about traffic and being late to an appointment.

I am an out of network provider. The patient pays for the visit at time of service. (There are no surprises or bills that get sent months later.) If you have out of network benefits, I walk you through how to submit for reimbursement. Reimbursement varies based on your insurance plan. Typically, patients get reimbursed 60-70% of the visit cost, making their cost of the session their usual co-pay, except they were treated one-on-one, in their home, for an hour by a board certified expert on their condition.

Evaluations are 90 minutes long

Treatments are 60 minutes

Contact me for pricing.

Craniosacral Therapy

I am a certified craniosacral therapist. Craniosacral therapy sessions are also provided in the comfort of your own home. Craniosacral therapy is an incredibly healing modality.

Treatments are 60 minutes

Contact me for pricing.

John Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR)

I am a certified JFB MFR therapist. This specific treatment approach benefits many chronic pain conditions and can vastly improve quality of life for patients who receive it.

Treatments are 60 minutes

Contact me for pricing.

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