Common Post-Partum Pain Part 4 of 4

The final part in this series of common post-partum pain.

Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) and pubic symphysis pain (PS).

This pain may be a continuation of pain you had while pregnant that isnt fully resolved once baby pops out.

What gives? Solid question.

Hormones. Muscle weakness. Shitty core control.


  • Relaxin persists in your system while breastfeeding. This contributes to ligament laxity while breastfeeding and may add to SIJ or PS pain.

Muscle Weakness

  • Babies eat muscle.

    • I say this to all my mom’s. Most women lose their ass while pregnant and its not just postural. Its also muscle loss.

    • That muscle loss contributes to SIJ or PS pain from pelvis instability.

    • Trying to strengthen train while pregnant and as soon as safe post partum, (even walking counts) if your best bet to get over this pain as quick as possible.

Core Control

  • Y’all. You just grew and pushed out a human. An entire human. Your core got stretched. Its weak AF and now probably trying its damndest to support you and all your new roles as a mom.

  • It hasnt figured itself out yet.

  • Gently activating your core with breathing and getting up and moving will go miles and miles towards improving this stability and reducing pain.

    What Can I Do to Stabilize my pelvis?

  • Stability/ SIJ belts

  • Squeeze a pillow between your knees when you roll over in bed or sit up from laying down.

  • Sitting on firmer surfaces (rather than sinking into the couch)

  • But mostly, strengthen your core and the muscles around your pelvis!

    Ill do a post on core exercises immediately post partum. I hope this series was helpful and informative and you feel empowered with more knowledge to be your best you.


Common Post-Partum Pain Part 2 of 4


Common Post-Partum Pain Part 3 of 4