Common Post-Partum Pain Part 3 of 4

Generalized abdominal pain and upper back or rib pain postpartum

Even if you didnt have a c-section, you can have abdominal discomfort post-partum. Its over temporary, but that doesnt mean it wont concern you. Here are some common reasons you may have this pain.

1) Sharp gripping or pulling at your hip when you roll over, sit up or stand up

  • This is your external oblique abdominals doing the job of your deep core…. because your deep core is currently on vacation from being over stretched from your tiny human.

    • Try to exhale, log roll and gently pull in to brace and engage your Transvers Abdominals to reduce this.

2) Low abdominal pressure your heaviness

  • This is likely your uterus shrinking back to size.

    • It takes time for this organ to go back to the size of your fists and back into your pelvis (think 8-12 weeks)

    • You may have mild cramping or generalized sensitivty or discomfort around this area.

      • Unless you are passing large clots and bleeding through a pad in more than an hour, I wouldnt stress about this pain.

        • But as always, you know your body best. If concerned, talk to your OBGYN

3) Loosey-goosey feeling

  • IDK about you, but I felt ALL OVER THE PLACE immediately post partum. I just felt like my core and spine were not stable. Walking felt weird. I distinctly have 2 memories walking to the NICU from the Ronald McDonald house. 1) my upper back HURT with walking and i couldnt stabilize. I felt like I was yo-yo slinking along while walking 2) Someone let me on the elevator first because they thought I was 6 months pregnant. (sad face) I was 1 day post-partum. lol.

  • The physical feeling I had was because my abdominals hadnt turned back on those first couple days post partum.

    What can you do?

    • Deep core activation with belly breathing.

    • Wear an abdominal binder (there are limits to this, see a post to follow)

4) Rib Pain

  • Number 3 ties into this one.

    • That rib out of place feeling, rib stiffness…. its all related.

    • Working on your deep core and belly breath help your spine and rib cage stabilize and help bring every back into optimal alignment post-partum.

    • You can put pressure on your back where you feel the pain and gently do a deep breath into that discomfort, hold for a few seconds and exhale.

      • This will improve with better stability. If it doesnt, come find someone like me!


Common Post-Partum Pain Part 4 of 4


Common Post-Partum Pain Part 1 of 4